
  • Kubernetes
  • Helm and kubectl
  • Beta9 CLI


Beta9 uses an S3-compatible object storage system for its file system. In this example, we’ll deploy localstack.

Without a Localstack license, its data is temporary. If its pod is deleted, the data will be lost. We recommend that you use AWS S3 or something similar.

helm repo add localstack
helm install localstack localstack/localstack --values=- <<EOF
- name: SERVICES
  value: "s3"
enableStartupScripts: true
startupScriptContent: |
  awslocal s3 mb s3://juicefs
  awslocal s3 mb s3://logs
  enabled: true
  storageClass: local-path
  - ReadWriteOnce
  size: 50Gi

Install Helm Chart

Install the helm chart and open connections to the service.

# Step 1: Install the chart
helm install beta9 oci:// --version 0.1.166

# Step 2: Confirm the pods are running
kubectl get pods -w

# Step 3: Open ports to the http and grpc services
kubectl port-forward svc/beta9-gateway 1993 1994

Configure the CLI

Create a new config.

=> Welcome to Beta9! Let's get started 📡

   ##      /&&&&&&&&&&&&&@&&&&&&&&@,
  @&&&&&.    (&&&&&&@/    &&&&&&&&&&/
 &&&&&&&&&@*   %&@.      @& ,@&&&&&&&,
.@&&&&&&&&&&&&#        &&*  ,@&&&&&&&&
*&&&&&&&&&&&@,   %&@/@&*    @&&&&&&&&@
.@&&&&&&&&&*      *&@     .@&&&&&&&&&&
 %&&&&&&&&     /@@*     .@&&&&&&&&&&@,
  &&&&&&&/.#@&&.     .&&&    %&&&&&@,
   /&&&&&&&@%*,,*#@&&(         ,@&&

Context Name [default]:
Gateway Host []:
Gateway Port [1993]:
Added new context 🎉!

Confirm the config was created and has a token set.

cat ~/.beta9/config.ini
token = <token should be here>
gateway_host = localhost
gateway_port = 1993