The Beam CLI is the primary way you’ll interact with the Beam runtime.

You can use the --help flag to get information about any command.

Setup Credentials


Automatically add your API keys to your local machine.

$ beam login

=> Login from dashboard with code: U050LC

Authenticated πŸŽ‰!

This command will open the Beam dashboard in your web browser and fire a callback that saves your Beam credentials to your local machine.


Configures your Beam API keys and saves a profile to ~/.beam/config.ini

beam config
$ beam config create prod

Context Name [prod]:
Gateway Host []:
Gateway Port [443]:
  • Context Name (required) β€” the name of the profile i.e. prod or staging.
  • Gateway Host (optional) β€” used only for self-hosting. If you are using the, you can leave this blank.
  • Gateway Port (optional) β€” used only for self-hosting. If you are using the, you can leave this blank.
  • Token (required) β€” your API token, found on this page of the dashboard.


Create a new context.

beam config create [NAME]
$ beam config create prod-env

Context Name [prod-env]:
Gateway Host []:
Gateway Port [443]:
Added new context πŸŽ‰!

If you are prompted to enter a value for Gateway Host or Gateway Port, you can leave both fields blank.


Delete a saved context.

beam config delete [NAME]
$ beam config delete prod-env

Do you want to continue? [y/N]: y
Deleted context prod.


Lists saved contexts.

beam config list
$ beam config list

  Name      Host                       Port   Token
  default   443    qONcMO...
  staging   443    qONcMO...


Set the default context.

beam config select [NAME]
$ beam config select staging-env

Default context updated with 'staging-env'.



Deploys your app and creates a persistent web endpoint to access it.

You can run this command with beam deploy [...] or beam deploy create [...].

beam deploy [FILE:FUNCTION] --name [APP-NAME]
$ beam deploy create --name inference-app

=> Building image
=> Using cached image
=> Syncing files
=> Files synced
=> Deploying endpoint
=> Deployed πŸŽ‰


Lists all deployments.

beam deployment list
$ beam deployment list

  ID                 Name              Active   Version   Created At    Updated At    Stub Name         Workspace Name
  9c9e99aa-a64e-4…   whisper-stt       Yes            1   1 day ago     1 day ago     endpoint/deplo…   cf2db0
  e1831baa-e4a9-4…   inference-app     Yes            2   5 days ago    5 days ago    endpoint/deplo…   cf2db0
  6983cfe2-abf7-4…   vllm-app          Yes            2   7 days ago    7 days ago    endpoint/deplo…   cf2db0

  3 items


Stops a deployment.

beam deployment stop [DEPLOYMENT-ID]
$ beam deployment stop c7b9fdaa-a25a-4db0-a825-c31f94c91c3f

Stopped c7b9fdaa-a25a-4db0-a825-c31f94c91c3f


Starts an inactive a deployment.

beam deployment start [DEPLOYMENT-ID]
$ beam deployment start c555edd8-3f10-4b54-ac1c-4e1e5e10eabd

Starting c555edd8-3f10-4b54-ac1c-4e1e5e10eabd


Deletes a deployment.

beam deployment delete [DEPLOYMENT-ID]
$ beam deployment delete c7b9fdaa-a25a-4db0-a825-c31f94c91c3f

Deleted deployment c7b9fdaa-a25a-4db0-a825-c31f94c91c3f


SSH Into Containers

Allows you to interactively access a container on Beam.

$ beam shell

=> Building image
=> Using cached image
=> Syncing files
Reading .beamignore file
=> Files synced

Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 6.8.0-51-generic x86_64)



Create a Preview Environment

Creates a temporary deployment preview.

beam serve [FILE:FUNCTION]
$ beam serve

=> Building image
=> Using cached image
=> Syncing files
Reading .beamignore file
=> Files synced

=> Invocation details

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Accept: */*' \
-H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' \
-H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN]' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'

=> Watching /Users/beam for changes...
β ‡ Serving endpoint...


Manage the containers running in your account.


Lists all containers.

beam container list
$ beam container list

  ID                                                       Status    Stub Id                                Scheduled At
  function-ee5c046f-985f-40b7-a0fa-477794e0a052-6c0d5340   RUNNING   27d567fe-8bd3-41b4-bd5b-2e6ce1afb454   3 seconds ago

  1 item(s)


Terminate a running container.

beam container stop [CONTAINER-ID]
$ beam container stop function-ee5c046f-985f-40b7-a0fa-477794e0a052-6c0d5340

Stopped container.


Any code you run on Beam creates a task. Any time you run a function or invoke an API, a task is created.

List Tasks

Lists all tasks.

beam task list
$ beam task list

  Task ID             Status     Started At       Ended At         Container ID        Stub Name           Workspace Name
  29d739d5-624f-41…   COMPLETE   29 minutes ago   29 minutes ago   endpoint-b4e9a64…   endpoint/deploym…   cf2db0
  f45fe342-0bff-4e…   COMPLETE   35 minutes ago   35 minutes ago   endpoint-c1dd0b6…   endpoint/deploym…   cf2db0
  4b9a1b6f-e34d-4d…   COMPLETE   1 day ago        1 day ago        endpoint-05fb7c9…   endpoint/deploym…   cf2db0
  38910b63-8c8a-42…   COMPLETE   1 day ago        1 day ago        endpoint-05fb7c9…   endpoint/deploym…   cf2db0
  cf051d10-fa28-42…   COMPLETE   1 day ago        1 day ago        endpoint-05fb7c9…   endpoint/deploym…   cf2db0

Stop a Task

Stops a task.

beam task stop [TASK-ID]
$ beam task stop c6d9e4a3-9262-485a-a7bb-a72980008c02

Stopped task c6d9e4a3-9262-485a-a7bb-a72980008c02.


Beam allows you to create highly-available storage volumes that can be used across tasks. You might use volumes for things like storing model weights or large datasets.

Create a Volume

Creates a volume.

beam volume create [VOLUME-NAME]
$ beam volume create weights

  Name       Created At    Updated At    Workspace Name
  weights   May 07 2024   May 07 2024   cf2db0

Delete a Volume

beam volume delete [VOLUME-NAME]
$ beam volume delete model-weights

Any apps (functions, endpoints, taskqueue, etc) that
refer to this volume should be updated before it is deleted.
Are you sure? (y/n) [n]: y

Deleted volume model-weights

List Volumes

List all volumes mounted to your apps.

beam volume list
$ beam volume list

  Name                                Size   Created At   Updated At   Workspace Name
  weights                       240.23 MiB   2 days ago   2 days ago   cf2db0

  1 volumes | 240.23 MiB used

List Volume Contents

List all contents of a volume.

beam ls [VOLUME-NAME]
$ beam ls weights

  Name                               Size   Modified Time    IsDir
  .locks                           0.00 B   29 minutes ago   Yes
  models--facebook--opt-125m   240.23 MiB   28 minutes ago   Yes

  2 items | 240.23 MiB used

Copy Files to Volumes

Copies a file to a volume.

beam cp [LOCAL-PATH] beam://[VOLUME-NAME]
=> weights (copying 1 object)
[LennonBeatlemania.pth] ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1.3/1.3 kB 0:00:00

Move Files in Volumes

Move files around a volume.

beam mv [SOURCE] [DEST]
$ beam mv file.txt files/text-files

Moved file.txt to files/text-files/file.txt

Remove Files from Volumes

Remove a file from a volume.

beam rm [FILE]
=> weights/ (1 object deleted)

Downloading Data

You can download directories and individual files.

beam cp beam://myvol/file.txt .             # beam://myvol/file.txt => ./file.txt
beam cp beam://myvol/file.txt      # beam://myvol/file.txt => ./
beam cp beam://myvol/mydir .                # beam://myvol/mydir/file.txt => ./file.txt


Secrets and environment variables can be injected into the containers that run your apps. After a secret is saved, it can be used in your application code like this:

from beam import function

def handler():
    import os

    my_secret = os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY"]
    print(f"Secret: {my_secret}")

List Secrets

Lists all secrets that exist.

beam secret list
$ beam secret list

  Name             Last Updated     Created
  AWS_KEY          19 hours ago     19 hours ago
  AWS_ACCESS_KEY   20 seconds ago   20 seconds ago
  AWS_REGION       7 seconds ago    7 seconds ago

  3 items

Create a Secret

Creates a secret

beam secret create [KEY] [VALUE]

=> Created secret with name: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY'

Show a Secret

Shows the value of a secret.

beam secret create show [KEY]
$ beam secret show AWS_ACCESS_KEY


Modify a Secret

Modifies the value of a secret.

beam secret modify [KEY] [VALUE]

=> Modified secret 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY'

Delete a Secret

Permanently deletes a secret.

beam secret delete [KEY]
$ beam secret delete AWS_ACCESS_KEY

=> Deleted secret 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY'


You can stream logs from a task, deployment, or a container to your shell.


Streams logs for a deployment.

beam logs --deployment-id [DEPLOYMENT-ID]

You can find the deployment ID by running beam deployment list.

$ beam logs --deployment-id 2089b5b5-9b2a-450e-9a56-a50d4f0a8d4c

Starting task worker[0]
Worker[0] ready
Running task <25156946-2c3a-4900-8a2c-568f162493a7>
Task completed <25156946-2c3a-4900-8a2c-568f162493a7>, took 3.4570693s
Spinning down taskqueue


Streams logs for a task.

beam logs --task-id [TASK-ID]

You can find the task ID by running beam task list.


Streams logs for a container.

beam logs --container-id [CONTAINER-ID]

You can find the container ID by running beam container list.

Stub ID

Streams logs for a stub ID.

beam logs --stub-id [STUB-ID]


Manage the machines available on Beam.


List the available GPUs at any given moment.

$ beam machine list

  GPU Type   Available
  A100-40       βœ…
  A6000         βœ…
  A10G          βœ…
  A100-80       ❌
  H100          ❌

Helpers and utils

Ignore Local Files

You can create a .beamignore file in your project’s root directory to tell Beam which local files and directories to ignore when syncing to Beam.

This follows the conventions of .gitignore

Ignoring Files


Ignoring Folders
