Beam allows you to create highly-available storage volumes that can be used across tasks. You might use volumes for things like storing model weights or large datasets.

Beam Volumes are mounted directly to the containers that run your code, so they are more performant than using cloud object storage.

We strongly recommend storing your data in Beam Volumes for any data you plan to access from your Beam functions.

How to Write Files in Beam

Your apps run in containers that are read only.

There are two use-cases for saving files: persistent files, that you want to access between tasks, and temporary files that will be deleted when your container spins down.

  1. Persisting Files: write to a volume.
  2. Temporary Files: temporary files can be written to the /tmp directory in your Beam container, for example you could save an image to /tmp/myimage.png.

Reading and Writing to Volumes

You can read and write to your Volume like any ordinary Python file:

from beam import function, Volume

VOLUME_PATH = "./model_weights"

    volumes=[Volume(name="model-weights", mount_path=VOLUME_PATH)],
def access_files():
    # Write files to a volume
    with open(f"{VOLUME_PATH}/somefile.txt", "w") as f:
        f.write("This is being written to a file in the volume")

    # Read files from a volume
    with open(f"{VOLUME_PATH}/somefile.txt", "r") as f:

if __name__ == "__main__":

To run this code, run python [filename].py. You’ll see it print the text we just wrote to the file.

(.venv) $ python

=> Building image
=> Using cached image
=> Syncing files
Reading .beamignore file
Collecting files from /Users/beta9/beam/examples/06_volume
=> Files synced
=> Running function: <reading_and_writing_data:access_files>

['This is being written to a file in the volume']

=> Function complete <e1526222-f665-47a5-9377-6f9036de3951>

Mounting a Volume

Volumes can be attached anything you run on Beam.

By default, Volumes are shared across all apps in your Beam account.

from beam import function, Volume

VOLUME_PATH = "./model_weights"

    volumes=[Volume(name="model-weights", mount_path=VOLUME_PATH)],
def load_model():
    from transformers import AutoModel

    # Load model from cloud storage cache

Uploading Data

You can upload files with the CLI using the beam cp command.


  Copy contents to a volume.

  -c, --context TEXT  The config context to use.
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.

Match Syntax:
  This command provides support for Unix shell-style wildcards, which are not the same as regular expressions.

  *       matches everything
  ?       matches any single character
  [seq]   matches any character in `seq`
  [!seq]  matches any character not in `seq`

  For a literal match, wrap the meta-characters in brackets. For example, '[?]' matches the character '?'.


  # Copy contents to a remote volume
  beam cp mydir myvol/subdir
  beam cp myfile.txt myvol/subdir

  # Use a question mark to match a single character in a path
  beam cp 'mydir/?/data?.json' myvol/sub/path

  # Use an asterisk to match all characters in a path
  beam cp 'mydir/*/*.json' myvol/data

  # Use a sequence to match a specific set of characters in a path
  beam cp 'mydir/[a-c]/data[0-1].json' myvol/data

  # Escape special characters if you don't want to single quote your local path
  beam cp mydir/\[a-c\]/data[0-1].json' myvol/data
  beam cp mydir/\?/data\?.json myvol/sub/path

CLI Management Commands

Create a Volume

beam volume create [VOLUME-NAME]
$ beam volume create weights

  Name       Created At    Updated At    Workspace Name
  weights   May 07 2024   May 07 2024   cf2db0

Delete a Volume

beam volume delete [VOLUME-NAME]
$ beam volume delete model-weights

Any apps (functions, endpoints, taskqueue, etc) that
refer to this volume should be updated before it is deleted.
Are you sure? (y/n) [n]: y

Deleted volume model-weights

List Volumes

beam volume list
$ beam volume list

  Name                                Size   Created At   Updated At   Workspace Name
  weights                       240.23 MiB   2 days ago   2 days ago   cf2db0

  1 volumes | 240.23 MiB used

List Volume Contents

beam ls [VOLUME-NAME]
$ beam ls weights

  Name                               Size   Modified Time    IsDir
  .locks                           0.00 B   29 minutes ago   Yes
  models--facebook--opt-125m   240.23 MiB   28 minutes ago   Yes

  2 items | 240.23 MiB used

Copy Files to Volumes

=> weights (copying 1 object)
[LennonBeatlemania.pth] ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1.3/1.3 kB 0:00:00

Move Files in Volumes

beam mv [SOURCE] [DEST]
$ beam mv file.txt files/text-files

Moved file.txt to files/text-files/file.txt

Remove Files from Volumes

beam rm [FILE]
=> weights/ (1 object deleted)