How Beam Works

Beam is a new kind of cloud provider that makes the experience of using the cloud feel almost the same as using your local machine.

It’s powered by an open-source container orchestrator that launches containers in less than 1 second.

This makes it possible to iterate on the cloud an order of magnitude faster than using Docker.


You can run functions on the cloud, either once, or on a schedule.


One-off Python functions, like training runs, scraping, or batch jobs.

from beam import function

def handler():
    return {}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Runs locally
    # Runs on the cloud

Scheduled Jobs

Functions that run based on a schedule you specify.

from beam import schedule

@schedule(when="every 1d")
def handler():
    return {}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Runs locally
    # Runs on the cloud

Run Your Function

You’ll run your functions like a normal Python function:


Even though it feels like the code is running locally, it’s running on a container in the cloud.


You can also deploy synchronous and asynchronous web endpoints:


Synchronous REST API endpoints, for tasks that run in 60s or less.

from beam import endpoint

def handler():
  return {}

Task Queues

Asynchronous REST API endpoints, for heavier tasks that take a long time to run.

from beam import task_queue

def handler():
  return {}

Testing Your Code

Beam provides a temporary cloud environment to test your code.

These environments hot-reload with your code changes. You can test your workflow end-to-end before deploying to production.

beam serve

Deploying to Production

When you’re ready to deploy a persistent endpoint, you’ll use beam deploy:

beam deploy