What does deployment mean?

To deploy an application means to run it on the cloud. When you deploy an app on Beam, it is containerized, scheduled, and loaded onto a cloud server. If you’ve deployed a Task Queue or REST API, it will also be exposed to users through an HTTP endpoint.

Beam provides four ways of running code on the cloud:

  • Run, for running one-off tasks
  • Schedule, for running tasks on a schedule you’ve defined
  • REST API, for exposing an HTTP endpoint to run tasks
  • Task Queue, for exposing an HTTP endpoint to run tasks using a queueing system

These deployment strategies are exposed with decorators that you add above your Python functions.

Adding a deployment type

Once you’ve defined an App and Runtime, you can add a decorator to your function to set a deployment type.


from beam import App, Runtime

app = App(name="your_app", runtime=Runtime())

def your_function():
    print("This runs once!")


@app.schedule(when="every 5m")
from beam import App, Runtime

app = App(name="your_app", runtime=Runtime())

@app.schedule(when="every 5m")
def your_function():
    print("This runs every 5 minutes!")


from beam import App, Runtime

app = App(name="your_app", runtime=Runtime())

def your_function():
    print("This runs when the API is called!")

Task Queue

from beam import App, Runtime

app = App(name="your_app", runtime=Runtime())

def your_function():
    print("This runs when processed by the queue!")

Deploying an app

You’ll deploy your apps using the Beam CLI. If you’ve defined a Rest API, Task Queue, or Schedule type, you’ll use beam deploy. If you’ve defined a Run, you’ll use beam run.


beam deploy your_app.py:your_function

REST APIs, Task Queues, and Scheduled Jobs

beam deploy your_app.py

Next Steps

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