
Beam V1 is now officially deprecated and all deployments, volumes, and data will be deleted on September 16th.

If you have not yet migrated to Beam V2, you can do it here.


  • Mount external cloud buckets to Beam containers with CloudBucket
  • Added callback signature token to dashboard
  • Improvements to reliability and system performance
  • Download deployment packages from V2 dashboard
  • Added scheduled jobs to V2
  • Disable API keys in dashboard
  • Show low capacity GPU warnings in dashboard

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed long-running tasks timing out
  • Fixed beam logs --task-id not filtering correctly
  • Improve setup prompts during beam config create

How to update

pip install --upgrade beam-client

Mount S3 Buckets with CloudBucket

You can now mount your own S3 buckets to your apps. Buckets are mounted using AWS’s mountpoint-s3. In general, any provider with an S3-compatible API should work. For instance, AWS S3, Cloudflare R2, and Tigris all work out of the box.

Read more here.

Added callback signature token to dashboard

The callback verification token for callbacks can now be retrieved on the /settings/account page in the web dashboard.

Read more about signature verification here.

Scheduled Jobs Added to V2

You can run scheduled jobs on V2.

from beam import schedule

@schedule(when="@weekly", name="weekly-task")
def task():
    print("Hi, from your weekly scheduled task!")

Read more about scheduled jobs here.