

  • Chain image commands
  • Real-time task dashboard
  • Jupyter integration
  • Added credits dashboard to V2
  • Stop containers from dashboard
  • Added websocket support to ASGI

Bug Fixes

  • Improved .beamignore to ignore common folders like .venv/ .git poetry
  • Improved logs for image builds that fail
  • Containers spin down properly after errors
  • Fixed bug with /task/cancel authentication
  • Fixed Expired tasks

How to update

pip install --upgrade beam-client

Feature Spotlight

Chain Image Commands

You can chain together image commands, making it easier to control the order of build steps.

Run Beam from a Local Jupyter Notebook

You can now run Beam functions from a Jupyter Notebook. Learn more.

>50% Faster Cold Starts with Volume Cache

This feature is only enabled on a per-request basis. If you want to use it, send us a message in Slack.

We’re shipping a new feature to make cold starts over 50% faster for large models loaded from volumes.

Here’s a table with some cold boot benchmarks for popular apps, like Whisper and Stable Diffusion:

Real-Time Dashboard

Tasks are now streamed to the dashboard in real-time.