

  • Added graph with number of containers running over time to the dashboard
  • Added support for invoking latest deployment with /latest URL suffix
  • Added CLI command to delete deployments
  • Added beam machine list command to show available GPUs
  • Added copyable stub and deployment IDs to deployment detail page in dashboard

Bug Fixes

  • beam serve cURL request is now formatted properly, even if the terminal window is small
  • beam login will display the browser URL in your shell, in case the browser doesn’t automatically open
  • Fixed Autoscaler initialization issue
  • /task API with invalid task ID now returns a 400

Upgrade to the latest CLI:

pip install --upgrade beam-client

Show Available GPUs With beam machine list

This command shows you the current GPUs available at any given moment.

$ beam machine list

  GPU Type   Available
  A100-40       ✅
  A6000         ✅
  A10G          ✅
  A100-80       ❌
  H100          ❌

Delete Deployments With the CLI

You can delete deployments using the CLI with the beam deployment delete command.

$ beam deployment delete c7b9fdaa-a25a-4db0-a825-c31f94c91c3f

Deleted deployment c7b9fdaa-a25a-4db0-a825-c31f94c91c3f

View Containers Running Over Time

In the Metrics section of the dashboard, you can view a historical graph of all containers running over time.

Versioned URLs Added to V2

Deployment URLs on V2 now support the same versioning scheme as V1:

  • /v3 -> invokes version 3
  • / -> invokes latest Version
  • /latest -> invokes latest Version