Beam’s agent framework is designed for concurrency and synchronization. In this example, we’ll show how you can deploy an app that scrapes online product reviews.

You can follow along with the tutorial in the video below.

Why Beam?

Beam’s Petri Net framework is ideal for workflows that require concurrency and scalability. This app uses Beam to:

  • Retrieve Google Shopping URLs for a product name you provide to the bot.
  • Scrape review pages for those products.
  • Summarize reviews into a report.


You’ll need three API keys to run the example below:

Set up your environment variables by adding these keys to a .env file in your project directory.



Defining Locations

Locations represent the states of data flowing through the network. In this app, we’ll use three states:

  • ProductName: The product to search for (i.e. “headphones”)
  • URL: URLs of product pages retrieved from Google Shopping
  • ReviewPage: Online product pages with customer reviews

Define these locations in your code:

from pydantic import BaseModel

class ProductName(BaseModel):
    product_name: str

class URL(BaseModel):
    url: str

class ReviewPage(BaseModel):
    review_page: str

Create the Bot

Let’s setup the bot, which is what manages the workflow. Add your API keys and define the locations (states) it will manage.

from beam import Bot, BotLocation

bot = Bot(
        BotLocation(marker=URL, expose=False),
        BotLocation(marker=ReviewPage, expose=False),
    description="This bot will take a product category as input, search for reviews, and summarize them.",

Adding Transitions

Transitions are events or actions in your bot, triggered by changes to the locations (state).

Retrieve Product URLs

The first transition takes a product category (e.g., “headphones”) and uses SerpAPI to retrieve Google Shopping URLs for the product.

from beam import Image
from serpapi import GoogleSearch

    inputs={ProductName: 1},
    description="Retrieve Google Shopping results for a product.",
    image=Image(python_packages=["serpapi", "python-dotenv"]),
def get_product_urls(context, inputs):
    product_name = inputs[ProductName][0].product_name

    params = {
        "engine": "google_shopping",
        "q": product_name,
        "api_key": SERPAPI_API_KEY,

    search = GoogleSearch(params)
    results = search.get_dict()
    urls = results["shopping_results"][:3]

    return {URL: [URL(url=url["product_link"]) for url in urls]}

Scrape Review Pages

The second transition scrapes review pages from each product URL using Firecrawl.

from firecrawl import FirecrawlApp
import json

    inputs={URL: 1},
    description="Scrape review pages for product URLs.",
    image=Image(python_packages=["firecrawl-py", "python-dotenv"]),
def scrape_reviews(context, inputs):
    url = inputs[URL][0].url
    app = FirecrawlApp(api_key=FIRECRAWL_API_KEY)

    scrape_result = app.scrape_url(url, params={"formats": ["markdown"]})
    return {ReviewPage: [ReviewPage(review_page=json.dumps(scrape_result))]}

Summarize Reviews

The final transition summarizes reviews from all the scraped pages into a markdown file.

Pay close attention to the inputs field below. This transition will not begin running until 3 ReviewPage markers have been created from the previous transition.

    inputs={ReviewPage: 3},
    description="Summarize product reviews.",
def summarize_reviews(context, inputs):
    all_review_pages = "\n".join([input.review_page for input in inputs[ReviewPage]])

    prompt = f"""
        The following pages contain markdown reviews for products.
        Summarize the key takeaways, including 1-3 direct quotes from reviewers.
        Ensure the product name and URL are included:

    event = context.prompt(msg=prompt, timeout_seconds=30)
    summary = event.value

    file_path = "/tmp/"
    with open(file_path, "w") as f:

    context.say("Product reviews summarized successfully!")
    if context.confirm(description="Do you want a sharable link to the summary?"):
        context.send_file(path=file_path, description="Product Review Summary")

Once deployed, you’ll be able to see the tasks in the dashboard, with the transition waiting until all ReviewPage markers have been emitted.

Deploying the Bot

$ beam deploy --name product-review-bot

Deploying the bot gives you access to a dashboard, where you can interact with the bot using a Chat UI.

What’s next?

With the bot deployed, there are a few things you can try:

Create a Public Chat Page

You can create a public, sharable Chat Page for your bot by adding an authorized=False argument to the bot:

from beam import Bot, BotLocation

bot = Bot(
        BotLocation(marker=URL, expose=False),
        BotLocation(marker=ReviewPage, expose=False),
    description="This bot will take a product category as input, search for reviews, and summarize them.",

When deployed, this gives you a sharable Chat UI. You can retrieve the URL to the Chat UI by clicking next to the “lock” icon.

Here’s what the Chat UI looks like:

Add Interactivity

We provide a number of helper commands using a class called context.

Context variables can be used for prompting the user for input, creating blocking requests to the bot, and sending message to the user.

Available Commands

context.confirm()Pause a transition until a user says yes or no.
context.prompt()Send a blocking or non-blocking request to the model (e.g., “summarize these reviews”). You can pass an optional wait_for_response=False boolean to make this non-blocking.
context.remember()Add an arbitrary JSON-serializable object to the conversation memory.
context.say()Output text to the user’s chat window.
context.send_file()Send a file to the user from a transition.
context.get_file()Retrieve a file from the user during a transition.

View The Code

You can see the full code for this example below.